d% 层面类型

01-05 气元素主导

06-10 血战战场(恶魔对抗魔鬼)

11-15 燃烧的地狱景观

16-20 恶魔城市

21-25 沙,冰,盐或灰的不毛之地

26-30 土元素主导

31-35 火元素主导

36-40 草原(充满食肉动物)

41-45 混合元素主导(类似Limbo)

46-50 山地

51-55 负能量主导(轻微或强烈)

56-60 普通(类似物质界)

61-65 海洋


71-75 酸液海

76-80 昆虫海

81-85 熔岩海

86-90 地下


96-100 水元素主导


1 -帕祖尼亚(PAZUNIA-风之魔王帕帕祖 Pazunia(争议)
 Pazunia (also known as The Plane of Infinite Portals or The Palace of 1001 Closets) has been described as an infinite plane with only three types of distinct features:

The Astral Plane flows through it.

Large sinkholes which connect to other layers of the Abyss, some were drilled intentionally by ancient demons during the Abyss' original exploration. The largest of these holes is the Grand Abyss.

Iron Fortress which guard the physical bodies of Demon Princes when they leave the Abyss to travel astrally.

2 - 穿孔蜂巢 Driller's Hives- 吵闹王子Tharzax
Driller's Hives, realm of Tharzax the Chattering Prince.

3 - 遗忘之地The Forgotten Land-自大者Zzyczesiya(曾关在黑暗之井)
The Forgotten Land, realm of Zzyczesiya the Unpronounceable. Legend has it that if any creature is able to pronounce her (its?) name she will appear to help them.

4 - 大深渊(THE GRAND ABYSS-有争议
The Grand Abyss, a bottomless, nigh-infinite canyon that contains portals to virtually every other layer in the Abyss. Also known as The Highway this plane is used by most demons to get around.

5 – 血虫Wormblood

6 -  万眼深渊Realm of a Million Eyes-眼魔主神大主母(Great Monther
Realm of a Million Eyes, home to the Great Mother S
Gara, Princess of Beholders.

7 - 幻影之域-Phantom Plane- 蜥蜴人领主Sess-Innek
Phantom Plane, realm of the demon lord of the lizard kings, Sess

8 ––剥皮之渊The Skin-shedder-剥皮者Volisupula
 War, a desolate place filled with the remnants of huge battles and ruins. The place Loramas first waged war on the other arch demons. Countless souls and skeletons litter this plane.

9 –沸腾之海Burningwater
 Famine, also known as the Plane of Hunger.

10 –腐败之土 "That Hellhole"
 Pestilence, or the Plane of Plagues as it is colloquially known. A place of experimentation where the demon princes and their mages let loose the grim creations.

11 - 马拉Molrat
 Death, home to Grimaal, Lord of the Dead. Known as The Pit this plane is deadly and the demons that inhabit it deadlier still. No human soul could withstand the terror of the Plane of Death.

12 – 十二树Twelvetrees(恶魔圣地) Desolation, this plane is also known as Fools Hope for the entire plane is just a series of endless corridors (resembling a prison).

13 – 血海Blood Tor- 本莎芭Beshaba (FR厄运女神)/安博里 UmberleeFR海洋女神)
Blades, home to the demon lord Kazara who trained many of the demonic bodyguards employed by the arch demons. He appears as a slender Darklander and always uses a katana.

14 - 蒸汽沼泽(Steaming Fen)-混沌之后the Queen of Chaos
The Steaming Fen, realm of Sithis Queen of Snakes. This demon princess has gained followers in the Lost Isles south of Grayhawk.

17 - 死亡之馈 Death's Reward-诡秘领主Abraxa
Death's Reward, realm of Abraxas the Unfathomable. Also called the Plane of Mirrors.

18 Abomination, a huge plane filled with unnameable horrors.

19 - The Plane of Slaves, a massive realm of dungeons, catacombs and slave pits. The demonic equivalent of a grand market where demons of all types are traded to those powerful enough to control them.

21 - 第六火葬堆The Sixth Pyre-巴洛炎魔领主Kardum
 The Sixth Pyre, realm of Kardum, lord of Balrogs. One of the oldest creatures in the Abyss Kardum has an army of vicious demons bred specifically from the slave pits that are prominent in his lands.

23 - 钢铁冰原(THE IRON WASTES-愤怒主君科斯彻奇
Iron Wastes, home to Karrolor, demon lord of frost giants.

27- 马里各那古拉Malignebula-(剧毒女士)Lissa'aere 【私取的外号】
Malignebula, realm of the Abyssal Lord Xiridor the Noxious. Also known as the Plane of Hatred.

30 - The Plane of Terror, plane of the Dracorians, a race of warrior / torturers who have become the backbone of Korven's forces on Grayhawk up until the demonologist's death (cy 4851 May 10th). Strong and numerous they are demonic bullies who like to throw their weight around.

32 Sholo之齿 -永恒之主饥饿Turaglas
Darkness, the Plane of Eternal Night. A mysterious shadow world shunned even by some of the more powerful arch demons of the Abyss.

45 to 47 -阿兹格拉特(AZZAGRAT)-乌黯主君,格拉兹特(Grazzt,TheDarkPrince)【祭奠天国的六指德萌拜尔君】
 these three layers make up Azzagrat,[6] the realm of the demon prince Graz'zt, the rival of Demogorgon. Other sources list these as layers 42 to 44. In First Edition D&D, Graz'zt's layer is an infinite palace which filled his entire layer.

49 - 阴影深渊Shaddonon-影魔女王瑞克丝萨Rhyxali
 Shaddonon, realm of the demon lord Rhyxali, Princess of Shadow. The woman whose smile can shred the soul of any man she resides in a huge forest and is accompanied everywhere by two gigantic wolves; Halask and Kalask.

50 - The Plane of Winds, or the plane that never sleeps. Howling storms plague this vast open wilderness.

51 - Algaroth, Plane of  The Slayer - A dark realm of shadows and darkness inhabited by the renegade killers banished from all of the other planes of the Abyss. These demons cannot exist anywhere else in the universe because they are so dangerous, their last realm is Asgaroth where they seek to stay alive in the most dangerous plane in the universe. Supposedly ruled by a demon who manifests itself as a blade called Moonblade - a blade so powerful that it can travel beyond the Astral Plane and is outside the sphere of influence of even the most powerful gods.

52 Vorganund, also known as the Plane of Disjunction. A plane of extremes where glaciers form in the middle of sweltering deserts. Ruled by Magrannor a vicious cheat and liar who will torment his victims by giving them spurious quests or impossible challenges. Slain by Vohaas. In cy 4851 Vohaas became arch demon after being released from the imprisonment of Malakar by Morikand.

54 - Court of Sceirion. All four planes are interconnected throughout, and share planar geographical features. The Keep of Rhieaz is Sceirion's stronghold.

57 - Torturous Truth, realm of the Abyssal Lord Alvarez the Purging Duke. A scheming torturer who likes to exert pain on his many victims. Also known as the Plane of Torment.

58 - Gladiatus, a huge amphitheatre that houses many different varieties of demon. Demon Lords and Arch Demons use this plane to blood their minions and slaves. It possesses very little magic which makes it an ideal venue for the contests and trials that take place within it's thick walls. This plane has no ruler but attracts many powerful and dangerous creatures.

59 - The Plane of Deception, a dark shadowy realm home to Alabar, Lord of Lies. He was cast from Loramas' palace because of his untrustworthiness. But he took with him Loramas' Book of Lies, an early tome she wrote when in consort with Quizet Daesil. Almost a biography of the dead god it has come to seen as a training manual for spies, assassins and thieves.

66 – 魔网深狱(Demonweb Pits)- 蜘蛛女王罗丝
The Demonweb Pits, home of Lolth, queen of Spiders. She was destroyed in the First Millennium and the place now lies desolate. Some travellers still venture down into her lair in search of her treasure
none return.

67 - The Heaving Hills (Verrangoin Realm)

68 - The Swallowed Void, also known as the Plane of Darkfire. Loramas used this plane as a breeding ground for her enormous army.

69 - The Crushing Plane

70 - The Ice Floe, or the Plane of Ice. A massive expanse of ice, snow and glaciers with very little to stop the terrifying storms that batter the plane. Only the hardest demons can survive this place.

71 穗状绷带Spirac- 魅魔领主Soneillon(苏内拉奥娜)
, hunting grounds of the demon lords. Herds of wild animals roam free on Spirac
fodder for the sport of the lords and princes.

72 Darklight, realm of Nocticula the Undeniable.

The Wells of Darkness, currently serve as the prison of several demon lords such as Shami-Amorae, Ansitif and Ebulon.

74 -斯玛嘉德(Smargard - 蛇人之神麦尔绍克
Smargard, home to Merrshaulkthe and Ramenos. Also contains The Viper Pit, and the Silent Temple. These places represent notorious demonic landmarks and are sometimes referred to as one of the eight wonders of darkness.

77 - The Gates of Heaven, realm of Munkir and Nekir. Also known as the Plane of Panacea. On the surface a paradise but this plane holds a dark secret.

79 - The Emessu Tunnels, realm of Anarazel the Daring Darkness.

81 - Aggragar, the Plane of Hunters. A huge prison-like holding jail run as a game reserve for the sport of demonic nobility. Run by Cusar, Arch Demon and ruler of the plane. He was slain by Vetrick and Headlock (cy 4851 - Mar 6th) after Headlock engineered a prison break out.

85 The Plane of Dragons, and home to many abyssal dragons, this was also the court of the Tiamat pretender Miatta. Miatta's hoard and consorts were scattered after her demise at the hands of Trillz the Dark.

88 - 盐水沼泽-狄摩高根
The Gaping Maw (or Brine Flats or Abysm), home to Demogorgon, Prince of Demons, one of the highest-ranking demons in the abyss. Loramas courted this monster (as one of his many concubines) and some say it is from him that she gained the knowledge and power to create the Bloodlines. Demogorgon was banished by Cedron in the First Millennium and has a deep-rooted hatred for all things Grayhawkian.

89 - 阴影海(Shadowsea)-大衮
Shadowsea, oceanic realm of the demon lord Dagon, Prince of the Depths. Also known as the Plane of Tides.

90 - 沟槽湾The Guttering Cove-巴尔格拉Ilsidahur
The Guttering Cove, realm of Ilsidahur the Howling King.

91 The Plane of War, one of the largest of the planes of the Abyss and one that has seen most action. In a constant state of turmoil this plane is the staging ground for many demonic fights. Loramas blooded her armies here many times.

92 - Ulgurshek, the massive ancient Draedens

95 - The Plane of the Mage - Little information seeps out from this unusual plane, said to be ruled by the greatest sorcerer in the universe. Those demons that do escape from it rarely reveal the secrets of this mysterious place.

99 - Unnamed contested layer consisting of several distinctive realms (from First edition D&D module Tales of the Outer Planes); one is where demons are spawned, another is a lightning realm, in another can be found portals leading to Juiblex and Kali's layers.

101 - The Endless Enigma. A prison layer of non-euclidean and tesseractian chambers, created through the combined powers of Alrunes, Fraz-Urb'luu, Sceirion, Obox-ob, and Abraxus. This level is often the destination of gate traps. The only being to have ever escaped its confines, Baphomet, entered on a bet and emerged 7500 years later. Most demonic scholars believe that each of the plane's creators built special strongholds and caches throughout its structures. In addition to creatures indigenous to this unique environment, the plane is inhabited by various failed experiments, political prisoners, invaders, adventurers (Prime-planar, demonic, and otherwise), and such.

103 - The Plane of Doom. A desperate world filled with desperate creatures. Ruled by a powerful arch demon called Gasharn, a creature so fierce he stood against Loramas and lived.

111 - 桑纳托斯-奥库斯
The Mind of Evil, also known as the Plane of Telepathy this realm is ruled by Xomar the Mind Lord. An ever-changing land some say that this plane only exists as a figment of Xomar
s imagination.

113- Thanatos, the realm of Orcus, demon prince of the undead. This beast was destroyed in the First Millennium but some say the spirit of Orcus haunts Thanatos.

120 - Court of Yeenoghu, Demon Lord of Gnolls and Ghouls. Also known as the Dire Plane. Layer 120 is a hilly, forested plane, and Yeenoghu's personal domain where he hunts. Layer 121 has similar geography, and is a training-ground for Yeenoghu's gnolls, gnoles, gholes, thouls, ghouls, trolls, and legions of demons.

121 - Court of Baphomet, High King of Demonkind. Also known as the Plane of Nobles. Baphomet's layer is mazey, with various open "courtyards" that contain forests, seas, and his palace (at the centre of the plane, of course). The demon Belitfint is Baphomet's chancellor.

123 - Sylthiand, the Plane of Spies. The training ground for those demons adept in he arts of espionage. Ruled by Sedrek the Sly, an arch demon who sells his services to the highest bidder. Extensively used in the reign of Loramas Sedrek's spy network extends far beyond the reach of the Abyss.

128 - Slugbed, realm of the Abyssal lord Luperio the Baron of Sloth. Also known as the Plane of Sleep.

137 - 放逐者终点Outcasts' End-阿塞尔Azazel
Outcasts' End, realm of Azazel, Prince of Scapegoats. A demon much persecuted by his peers Azazel harbours a deep hatred for all demonkind.

142 – 憎恶之地Horrors
Horrors, The Plane of Horrors is a vast swamp inhabited by failed experiments, cross-bred horrors that roam in search of lost souls. The wretched and the infirm end up here.

143 - Galgar, The Plane of Lost Spirits. A strange mountainous realm ruled by a powerful archdemon called Volandir. This brute hires himself out as an assassin for hire and has a reputation for merciless cruelty and efficiency.

144 Kythar, also known s the Plane of Poison.

148 - Torrent

150 Plane of Combat, this plane is where the demon princes and arch demons train their guards in the arts of combat. The grand master of the largest academy is called Gulgothra, a horned demon of great skill.

153 Withering, a place where nothing grows. Mainly deserted no human soul is able to contend with the harsh environment of the Plane of Withering.

160 - The Lassar Maze, supposedly the secret passageways that Promethius created to aid his movement throughout the Abyss. The fabled arch demon Lassar (now dead) produced a map of maze and was the only creature to be able to navigate it. The map was lost when he died. The unusual aspect of this plane is that it exists in a one second slice of time. Any spells cast there last forever...

176 - 虚伪之心(HOLLOW'S HEART-弗拉兹厄鲁
Hollow's Heart, or the Plane of Illusions, realm of the demon lord Fraz-Urb'luu, which, due to his magical illusions, appears to be flat, colourless, and featureless to the human eye.

177 - 蠕动之域-安古德克蠕动之王
The Writhing Realm, realm of Ugudenk the Squirming King.

180 - The Plane of Dreams, academics argue whether this plane exists at all, or whether - as many of them believe - it is just the figment of a vast demonic mind. There are those that believe that Mystiva, the Queen of Dreams, inhabit the forest-like realm.

181 - The Rotting Plain, realm of the Troglodyte demon Laogzed.

184 The Plane of Reversal, a barren vacuum. An open conduit to the Negative Material plane has drained this plane of all life. For all practical purposes, this plane is an extension of the Negative Material Plane, and all magics that require contact with that plane function normally on this layer of the Abyss.

193 - Vulgarea, realm of the arche demoness Eshebala, half fox half woman.

213 214 215 - Court of Tsuggtmoy, Demon Queen of Fungi. This layer is a vast plain of moldering fungus that sinks into vaporous swampy masses of putrescence. Rivers and lakes of slime cross its surface. Tsuggtmoy holds court in a bowl-like depression in the lowest depths of the layer's swamps. This plane connects to layer 457.

222 - 辛达克拉(SHEDAKLAH-真菌夫人祖格莫伊/无面王子关纳德-真菌林地/史莱姆深狱(Slime Pits)
Shedaklah (aka The Slime Pits), home to Jubilex demon Prince of Slimes.

223 The Plane of Life, a huge sprawling wilderness sixty times the size of Grayhawk. This plane represents all living creatures; allegedly every single species in the entire universe can be found in the Plane of Life.

229 The Plane of Whores, the entire plane is a vast urban mess full of taverns, dark alleyways and hidden areas. Ruled by Feistus the Grand Pimp, this arch demon has a veritable army of concubines and whores. It is sometimes called the Plane of Pleasure(cure disease is essential!)

230 - The Dreaming Gulf, a windy realm home to the dreams of dead gods. Thought to be where the dreams of the Old Gods of the First Millennium came to rest. Their ideas, ideology and many of their secrets lie in this plane. Also known as the Plane of Dreams.

241 - Palpitatia, home to Vantul, demon lord of humanoids. Thought to be the reincarnation of Fermat this demon prefers the form of a giant black orc but can be seen as any of the humanoid races.

245 - The Scalding Sea, a watery plane that contains nothing but boiling sulphurous oceans. What few islands there are tend to teem with demonic life.

246 Towers, the plane of Towers is covered by a vast ocean of lava. All inhabitants that dwell there do so in large tower-like structures that sprout from the maelstrom. Ruled by Qasadar, an infamous and powerful arch demon who stood against Loramas in her bid for domination of the Abyss.

248 隐层The Hidden Layer- 隐藏层复仇领主Eltab(艾尔塔柏)
The Hidden Layer, realm of Eltab and his son Aggrizael - who is supposedly one of the greatest thieves in the Abyss. Also known as the Plane of Thieves.

247 The Fens, a swampy layer that houses many will-o-wisps, hags, lower demons, etc.

248 Stygia, also known as The Plane of the Lake. (Anywhere but the Abyss it would be an ocean).

267 - Library of Gresil. Three planes of row and rows of books, scrolls, tapestries, and other records enclosed in stone shelves. Paved flagstone floors and walls, ceiling that just go up . . . Gresil's library demons know who is permitted to delve the archives. This plane is neutral ground, at least temporarily, as few demons are willing to risk Gresil's wrath. Supposedly the greatest library anywhere Gresil is a hoarder and will travel far for a good book.

268 269 The Twin Hells, academics are unsure whether this is one plane or two interconnecting ones. Ruled by Xavaros the Lord of Death; a tormentor who allegedly has captured many devils from Hell for his twisted experiments.

274 Durao, also known as the Plane of Mustering. Where the armies of the Abyss as they prepare for battle used by Loramas to muster her forces and drive them across the Abyss.

280 Kazzaar, also known as the Plane of Blades. Supposedly the final resting place of the soul of Heredius Grayhawks greatest swordmaker some say the great sorcerer was captured and forced to work on Kazzaar training fledgling blade makers.

297 - The Sighing Cliffs, a mountainous realm of the Lady Krianna. She resides in a palace at the top of Ghendor, the highest mountain in the universe, allegedly unclimbable (now theres a challenge!)

300 - Feng-Tu, also known as the Plane of Edo. Darkland demons were more honourable than their Grayhawkian counterparts and virtually all the demonologists summoned from Feng-Tu. These demons resemble Darklanders and many have the skills and lore associated with that land.

303 - The Sulfanorum, also known as the Plane of Fire.

307 The Plane of Fools

313 The Plane of Storms, an elementalists dream.

329 Havoceum, also known as the Plane of Havoc.

333 - The Broken Scale, also known as the Plane of Lost Dragons. This plane is supposedly a resting place for the great race of demonic dragons that inhabit the Abyss. Some say the spirit of Tiamat wanders through it.

340 - The Black Blizzard

342 The Plane of Mists

348 - 冷漠要塞(Fortress of Indifference)-塔芬
Fortress of Indifference, also known as the Plane of Indifference
cant be bothered telling you about it!

350 - Court of Isidrin, Demon Lord of Snakes. This plane is an Amazonian jungle level filled with rainforests, rivers, and snakes in all colours, shapes, and sizes. Demogorgon is known to have visited this plane prior to his disappearance.

357 - The Arc of Eternity, realm of Eldanoth the Bloodless Scion. Also known as the Last Plane although that is somewhat misleading since it is numbered at 357. But this is chaos

377 - Plane of Gallenshu, or the Plane of Fortresses.

381 The Court of Pazeuzeus. Also known as the Plane of Insanity. A spatial layer with a pewter sky, no sun, and murky clouds in a variety of colours (purple, brown, black, deep ocean green). Pazeuzeus' open-aired cloud palace floats randomly about the plane since his insanity.

393 Nexus, This plane is sentient, and Prime-like, but with fleshy ground. It connects many of the other planes together and is sometimes known as Gods Fulcrum.

399 - The Worm Realm, realm of the Great Worm Garathraxin. A powerful elemental demon with links to many other planes.

400 - Woeful Escarand, also known as the Plane of Trials. This plane is essentially a massive courtroom where the Grand Judge Heddonon sits and dispenses justice to those who come before him.

403 - The Rainless Waste, or the Plan of Squallssite of Mal Arundak, the City of Confusion one of the eight wonders of darkness.

407 - Forest planes of Mandrillagon, also known as the Plane of Trees - filled with huge trees, apes, various and sundry primates, tribes of primitive humans.

408 409 420 - Soneillon's Gardens and Salons of Debauchery. A largely Prime-like, though small, plane, Soneillon's Court offers the finest arts of harlotry, hedonism, and such . . . she is the quintessential madame and many demons visit her tri-planar realm.

421 - White Kingdom, ruled by Serrast the King of Ghouls, once a vassal to Orcus and Yeenoghu, but is now a free agent.

422 - 耶诺古之域 - 耶诺古
The Seeping Woods, ruled by Yeenoghu, demon Prince of Gnolls.

423 - Galun-Khur, also known as the Plane of Depths due to the vast underground network of caverns.

432 The Emerald Mines, a vast mining realm that never sees sunlight. Every known gemstone (and a few that arent) can be found by the ingenious traveller. Some early Grayhawkians travelled to the Emerald Mines to make their fortunes; many became very rich indeed.

444 - Zend, also known as the Great Plane of Prayers. Named after the arch demon who rules the plane Zend is a curiosity many of the old religious works found their way to the studious demon. He is a scholar of theology and will aid any who ask his advicefor a price of course.

451 - Haldrow, or the Plane of Dark Elveswith no sun and seven moons. Many drow live here, or make it a point to visit this layer while in the Abyss. This layer connects to Chamada (Hades' third plane), and many non demonic souls dwell here. The nature of the sprawling forests make it easy to hide and the drow are experts in protecting this slice of their lands.

452 - Ahriman-abad, also known as the Plane of Barricades. The realm of Ahrimanes, Chief of the Cacodaemons. These creatures are the standard demonic guardian and can be found in virtually every plane in the Abyss. Ahrimanes once stopped Loramas entering his palace so she cursed him to remain for an eternity within the walls of his palace.

457 The Plane of Portents, a lordless realm of perpetual night and ever-present storms. Few creatures can dwell here long but answers to many riddles can be found here.

471 - 安卓林纳(Androlynne)-苍夜
Androlynne, or the Plane of Killers. Where the most dreadful demonic assassins learn their trade. Ruled by Slythar the Slayer
a demon prince whose academy of death is over-subscribed.

472 and 473 - Tundra plains, also known as the Plane of Plains.

474 Garmagon, also known as the Plane of a Thousand Knives.

487  - 兽巢与浪荡子庄园-坎切尔希斯Kanchelsis
Lair of the Beast, also known as the Plane of Night. Ruled by a demonic vampire called Daemaragh.

489 - 毒害之谷(Noisome Vale)-塔恩海姆
Noisome Vale, ruled by the balrog Tarnhem. Also known as the Shattered Realm.

493 - The Steeping Isle, realm of Akaartha, demon lord of the night.

499 - Carroristo

500 The Plane of Vengeance, where a host of conspirators and plotters come to hatch plans for revenge. Many demons inhabit this realm and all have one thing in common:- they are looking to get even. It is ruled by a six-armed harridan called Shi 'ana, a dangerous and cruel arch demoness who likes to torment her victims.

503 - 托瑞摩-帕帕祖
Torremor, also known as the Plane of Mirth - realm of the Laughing God Aegle. A dangerous joke-telling demon whose wit is sharper than any blade (ring any bells anyone?)

504 The Great Desert, also known as the Plane of Sands.

505 The Plane of Cacophony

507 - 安丁玛楚斯Occipitus-疯狂邪魔王子Adimarchus
Occipitus, former realm of Adimarchus, the demon prince of madness. Also known as the Plane of Slow Death.

510 - Court of Aseroth, Demon Lord of Githyanki and Regent of the Silver Realm.

518 Melantholep, or the Plane of Pain as it is better known. The demonic torturer Melantholep is regarded as one of the universes cruelest beings. His slave pits are extensive and his expertise in gathering information unrivalled.

524 - 碎岩-食人魔之神瓦普拉克
Shatterstone, realm of the spirits of the Rock Demons.

528 Plane of the Fetid, a stinking cesspit of a place that resembles a huge rubbish tip. Also known as the Plane of Ruin.

531 - 酷热领域-蛇魔之女王莎克塔丽
Vudra,[11] realm of the giant marilith Shaktari, the Queen of Poison.

532 The Plane of Ageing, a strange place where one hour is equivalent to one year of actual ageing. Unlike the temporal anomalies of the rest of the Abyss this place is unusual because the ageing occurs on plane.

531 - Vudra, realm of the giant Shaktari, the Queen of Poison.

548 - 魔法领主Haagenti(哈根提)

558  - 融化之无限-蛹茧主君
Fleshforges, realm of Dwiergus the Chrysalis Prince.

566 - Soulfreeze, also known as the Plane of Ice - realm of Gseroth the Winter Warlock.

570 - 莎戴拉(SHENDILAVRI-魅魔女王美坎修特
Shendilavri, realm of the demon lord Avrassir, Queen of the Succubi. Once handmaiden to Loramas she became queen in her own right shortly after the death of the powerful arch demon.

586 The Plane of Gaols, realm of the vast prison of Astepp.

597 - 格兰泽斯Goranthis-魅魔领主Nocticula,劝说者Socothbenoth
Goranthis, realm of Socothbenoth the Persuader.

600 - 无尽迷宫(the Endless Maze)-牛头人之王巴菲门特
Endless Maze, the realm of Pal Night, once consort of Baphomet. A twisted lair of secret passages and back doors. Also known as the Plane of Labyrinths.

601 - 燃火之域Conflagratum-火焰领主阿兹利尔斯(Alzrius)
Conflagratum, also known as the Plane of Pyres; realm of the demon lord Firestal - Lord of Infernal Light.

606 - Court of Gothmog, Demon Lord of Balrogs. A hellish set of volcanically-paired planes: layer 606 is the mounts, vents, ash, and slag, while 607 is an underground maze of passages, lava tubes, magma lakes, etc. Gothmog's palace rests on a vast pool of bubbling lava, in a huge crater.

607 Carynach, this plane's name means "The Empty Place" in demonic. It is a mystery level, since no other layers connect or allow entrance to it. No gates will open to this plane, from anywhere in the mulitverse.

628 - 瓦拉杉Vallashan-圣武士国王海勒姆十七世
Vallashan, or Halls of the Holy as it is known. It is the most lawful of all the planes of the Abyss where the rules of the universe seem more in synch with Grayhawk than anywhere. However Vallashan remains the Abyss and any settlements will inevitably become corrupted.

643 - Caverns of the Skull, also known as the Plane of Tombs. Powerful undead roam here, a legacy of Orcus involvement thousands of years earlier. Now ruled by a demonic vampire called Garravax.

651 - 奈斯瑞-锁链领主弗喀里克(格拉兹特的兄弟)Vucari
Nethuria, realm of Vucarik, Consort of Chains.

652 - The Rift of Corrosion

656 The Plane of Grief

662 Etharus, also known as the Plane of Veils.

663 - 复仇之地Zionyn-虫族王子奥克斯·奥博
Zionyn, also known as the Plane of Rats - realm of Uldoin, Prince of Vermin.

666 - Court of the missing Fraz-Urb'luu. An illusory layer of deception. This plane is under Fraz-Urb'luu's mental control. It currently appears flat and featureless.